of Audiology

A fully fledged audiology clinic and hearing centre.

Our team of highly trained audiologists performs a number of examinations to determine the presence, extent, location, magnitude, and qualities of hearing loss. Once you have been diagnosed, you will have access to the most current technologies to manage your hearing loss.

Diagnostic Tests Offered

A number of tests are available to evaluate the type and degree, if any, of your hearing loss.

  • Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)

  • Special Tests (SISI & TDT)

  • Speech ? Audiometry (SAL, SRT, SDT)

  • Impedance Audiometry

  • Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE)

  • Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)

  • Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiomtery (BSERA)

Innovative Technology & Experienced Professionals

Make an appointment online or call 8943774477

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