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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri : 8:30 - 6:00, Sunday : Closed
Sat : 8:30 - 1:30, 2nd Sat : 8:30 - 6:00
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Have Some Question?
How can I make sure that my appointment is confirmed?
Once you book an appointment you will be mailed a confirmation of the same which will have all the necessary details of your appointment. If for any reason appointment is not available on that particular day our customer team will intimate you by phone prior to the appointment.
Do you charge extra for online appointments?
Can I pay online?
What if I can't make my appointment or I need to reschedule?
Our Services
We want let you down, we are here to make you feel.
Advanced Audiology
Our team of highly trained audiologists performs a number of examinations to determine the presence, extent, location, magnitude, and qualities...